Tuesday, August 26, 2008

How to achieve project success?

1. For the client - meeting of minds

* define success criteria from the outset - ideally one super stakeholder, one client voice
* keep client stakeholders engaged during execution
* seek frequent feedback for continued alignment to objectives
* focus on client satisfaction

2. For the team members - collaborative working environment

* carefully select members, and give them what they need to succeed - must have a strong core team
* ensure proper planning and communications - have a first-class kickoff meeting, cascade the planning tasks down the stream and get members' buy-in
* take the pulse constantly on team spirit
* encourage escalation of risks and concerns
* celebrate successes

3. For the shareholders - due diligence

* practice rigorous financial planning and management
* approach risk and issue management with urgency - don't waste a day, from the very beginning
* look for win/win solutions to issues - high value vs. low value trade-off

4. other tips

* Focus on the goal and measure progress monthly/weekly - tangible deliverables only, make it visible, listen to concerns, take immediate corrective action, and celebrate success
* Don't hope - identify the risks and account for their costs
* Don't gamble
* Do seek help - early enough and clearly enough
* Be committed
* Don't try to be the technical expert on the project

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