- proposing - "How about ..."
- building - "To build on John's idea ..."
- seeking information - "Please describe ..."
- seeking opinion - "How do you feel, Ken?"
- giving information - "Here is my report ..."
- giving opinion - "My opinion is ..."
- disagreeing - "I disagree with Rob because ..."
- summarizing - "To recap the issue ..."
- testing comprehension - "I heard you say ..."
- testing consensus - "How many agree?"
- encouraging - "Say more about that idea ..."
- harmonizing - "What do we agree on?"
- checking performance - "How close are we?"
- setting standard - "We need to decide by ..."
- relieving tension - "The humor in this is ..."
- paraphasing - "What I heard you say was ..."
Processing strong feelings:
(1) acknowledge feelings
(2) remain neutral
(3) seek first to understand, then to be understood
(4) process feelings by:
- observing silence
- taking a break
- silently brainstorming issues on cards
- sharing concerns
- identifying areas of conflict and commonality and ideas for bridging gaps
- suggesting ways of resolving conflict
(5) refocus conversation on original topic/goals
Dealing with hurtful behaviors
- late arrival - start on time, don't update
- side conversation - stop, look at offenders
- dominators - ask them to scribe
- rambling - use parking lot if point is relevant
- negativity - ask group to comment on negative opinions
Building consensus (= agreement + support)
- test for consensus by verbal polling or written vote
- use consensus to determine team functions (meeting frequency, ground rules, roles, etc.)
Recognizing symptoms of conflict
- ideas get attacked before they are fully stated
- comments are personal attacks
- win-lose pressures
- members take sides
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